Computer Awareness Quiz2

Quiz 2

Computer Awareness

  • Total Questions : 25
  • Total Marks : 50
  • Mark Deduction : 0.5
Question No.1
Which of the following is a problem oriented language
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Question No.2
Which of the following is not an operating system?
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Question No.3
Which malware was used by hackers to manipulate ATM machines and subsequently empty them?
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Question No.4
Octal number 12 is equal to decimal number
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Question No.5
ENIAC was the computer of
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Question No.6
Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are examples of
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Question No.7
What is the base of Hexadecimal number?
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Question No.8
Which of the following is not a product of Microsoft company?
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Question No.9
What are two examples of freeware?
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Question No.10
A computer server is connected to ________
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Question No.11
What is the full form of 'EDI'?
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Question No.12
"," Symbol is used in Microsoft Excel for which of the following purpose?
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Question No.13
The number of pins present in VGA cable are ________
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Question No.14
In an EBCDIC system how many possible characters are defined?
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Question No.15
Which of the following option correctly describes use of firewall?
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Question No.16
Key used for performing specific task are known as___________
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Question No.17
A main page or start page of website is known as _______
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Question No.18
Attempt to gain unauthorised access to a user's system or information by pretending to be the user is known as________
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Question No.19
Which of the following is last bar in Microsoft Excel?
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Question No.20
Portrait and landscape are the most common types of orientation. They are found in-
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Question No.21
Which of the following term is used for illegal copying and distribution of software?
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Question No.22
A person who uses his expertise for software is known as___________
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Question No.23
In which of the following topology every node is connected to two other nodes?
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Question No.24
A reference to data that the reader can directly follow either by clicking, tapping or hovering is called____________
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Question No.25
A computer shortcut key Alt+F4 is used for_____________
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