Here is some biological terms helpful for exam point of view. Helpful for all competitive exams like Railway, SSC and others.

Biological Terms
Agrology Branch of Soil science dealing with production of crop
Agronomy Science of soil management and production of crop
Agrostology Study of grass
Anatomy Study of internal structure of organism
Andrology Study of male reproductive organ
Angiology Study of blood vascular system including arteries and veins
Anthology Study of flower and flowering plant
Anthropology Study of origin, development and relationship between the culture of past and present human
Apiculture Rearing of honey bee for honey
Arthrology Study of joints and articulations
Bacteriology Study of bacteria
Biomedical Engineering Production and designing of spare part for man for overcoming various defects in man .e.g. artificial limbs, Iron lung, Pacemaker etc
Biometrics Statistical study of biological problem
Biotechnology Technology connected with living being for wilful manipulation on molecular level
Bryology Study of Bryophytes
Cardiology Study of heart
Clone Clones are genetically identical individuals in a population
Cryobiology It is the study of effect of low temperature on organisms and their preservation
Cytology Study of cell
Demography Study of population
Dendrochronology Counting and analyzing annual growth rings of tree to know its age
Dermatology Study of skin
Diffusion Random movement of molecule / gas / ion from region of higher concentration to lower concentration
Ecology Study of inter- relationship between living and their environment
Embryology It is the study of fertilization and development of zygote
Entomology Study of insects
Ethnology Study of science dealing with different races of human
Ethology Study of animal behaviour in their natured behaviour
Etiology Study of causes and origins of disease
Eugenics Study of factors connected with the improvement of human race
Euthenics Study of environmental condition that contribute to the improvement of human beings
Evolution Study of origin of life, variation and formation of new species
Exobiology Study of possibility of life in space
Fermentation process of incomplete oxidation that occur in microbes and other cells in absence of oxygen, leading to the formation of ethyl alcohol
Fishery catching, breeding, rearing and marketing of fishes
Floriculture Cultivation of plant for their flower
Food technology Scientific processing, preservation, Storage and transportation of food
Forensic science Application of science for analysis of various fact and evidence to identify the cause or person involve in criminal activity
Forestry Development and management of forest
Gastroenterology Study of alimentary canal or stomach, intestine and related disease
Genetic Engineering Manipulation of gene in order to improve the organism
Genetics Study of variation and transmission of heredity characters from parents to offspring
Gerontology Study of ageing
Growth Permanent increase in the weight and volume or size of an organism
Gynecology Study of female reproductive organ
Haematology Study of blood
Hepatology Study of liver
Histology Study of tissue with the help of microscope
Homeothermic Animals who have a constant body temperature are called homeothermic or warm-blooded animal
Hydroponics Study of growing plant without soil in water which contain nutrient
Hygiene Science taking care of health specially by cleanliness
Hypertonic When two solution have different solute concentration. The solution which have higher concentration is called hypertonic
Hypotonic In two solution which have lower solute concentration is called hypotonic
Ichthyology Study of fishes
Immunology Study of immunity or resistance of body to disease
Kalology Study of human beauty
Mammography Branch of science dealing with test of breast cancer
Medicine Study of treating disease by drug
Metazoans All multicellular animals are called metazoans
Microbiology Study of Micro-Organism like virus bacteria algae fungi and protozoa
Molecualr biology Study of molecule found in the body of living organism
Monoecious Plant which have both male and female flower
Morphology Study of external structure
Mycology Study of fungi
Study of extremely small things
Neonatology Study of new born
Nephrology Study of kidneys
Neurology Study of nervous system
Nutrients Chemical substance taken as food which are necessary for various faction, growth and heath of living
Obstetrics Science connected with care of pregnant woman before, during and after child birth
Odontology Study of teeth and gum
Olericulture Science of vegetable growing, dealing with the culture of non-woody (herbaceous) plants for food
Oncology Study of cancer and tumours
Ophthalmology Study of eyes
Ornithology Study of birds
Orthopaedics Diagnosis and repair of disorders of locomotory system
Osmosis Movement of water molecule across semipermeable membrane from the region of its higher concentration to the region of lower concentration
Osteology Study of bones
Paediatrics Branch of medicine dealing with children
Paleontology Study of fossils
Parasite organism which depend on other living organism for their food and shelter
Parasitology Study of parasites
Pathology Study of diseases, effects, causable agents and transmission of pathogens
Photobiology Effect of light on various biological processes
Phycology Study of algae
Phylogeny Evolutionary history of organism
Physiology Study of function of various system of organism
Physiotherapy Treatment of physical impairments through joint mobilisation, exercise or massage
Phytoplankton Microscopic organism which passively float on the surface of water
Pigment A Substance which absorb light of certain wavelength (e.g. Chlorophyll found in green leaves)
Pisciculture Rearing of fishes
Poikilothermic Organism which change their body temperature according to surrounding. These are also called cold-blooded animal
Pomology Study of fruit and fruit yielding plant
Primatology Study of the behaviour, biology, evolution, and taxonomy of nonhuman primates
Psychiatry Treatment of mental disorders
Psychology Study of human mind and behaviour
Radiology Science dealing with the effect of radiation on living beings
Rhinology Study of nose and olfactory organs
Saurology Study of lizards
Serology Study of serum, interaction of antigen and antibodies in the blood
Sonography Study of ultrasound imaging
Sphygmology Study of pulse and arterial pressure
Taxonomy Study of classification, nomenclature and identification of organism
Telepathy Communication of thoughts or ideas from one mind to another without normal use of senses. Also known as process of mental contact
Veterinary Science Science of health care and treatment of animals
Viticulture Cultivation of grapes

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