GK Mixed Questions Set 14

SET 14


SET 14

  • Total Questions : 25
  • Total Marks : 50
  • Mark Deduction : 0.5
Question No.1
A Tax that takes away a higher propoerion of one's income as the income rises is termed as_____
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.2
Which of the following is not a method of estimating national Income?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.3
Which of the following state was formed first on linguistic basis?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.4
Cellular totipotent means___________
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.5
Addis Ababa is the capital of which of the following country?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.6
Untaouchability is abolished and its practice is punishable according to __________
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.7
Which of the following committee proposed the SARFAESI Act?
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.8
The earliest evidence of animal domestication and agriculture in India has come from_________
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.9
The dimension of which of the following is the same as that of impulse ?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.10
In which states of India are Lepakshi paintings seen?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.11
The number of valence electrons in an atom of Phosphorus is ________
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.12
Mahavira is believed to be the last of the _________Tirthankaras.
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.13
Rainbow is formed as a result of ____________
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.14
The Dogri language is primarily associated with which of the following Indian State?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.15
Who was the first lady to be awarded with Bharat Ratna?
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.16
The Sanchi Stupa is associated with which of the following religions?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.17
Which one of the following interim Prime Minister was awarded with Bharat Ratna?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.18
On Which day is the United Nations Day celebrated?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.19
When is World Polio Day observed?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.20
Who was the first non-citizen of India to receive Bharat ratna?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.21
First printing press for bank notes in India was established at___________
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.22
The site of Harappa is located on the river________
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.23
Bhakta Tukaram was contemporary of which Mughal Emperor?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.24
With reference to Delhi Sultanate, who was the founder of Sayyid Dynasty?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.25
The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujrat in the west but the watches show the same time. How does it happen?
Correct Answer :  C
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