• Total Questions : 100
  • Total Marks : 200
  • Mark Deduction : 0.5
Question No.1
Which of the following Miss World Titleholders are from India?
(1) Diana Hayden 
(2) Yukata Mookhay 
(3) Priyanka Chopra 
(4) Manushi Chillar
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Question No.2
What is the rank of India in the inclusive Development Index as given by the World Economic Forum?
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Question No.3
What is the theme of the International Day for the Disaster Reduction, 2017 ?
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Question No.4
Give it Up campaign is related to which of the following?
Correct Answer : 
On 27th March 2015, Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the GiveItUp Campaign; a scheme that appeals to well-off citizens to voluntarily surrender their subsidies to give back LPG connections to poor households.
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Question No.5
Recently, the International Union of concerned scientists down-listed which of the following from the list of endangered to vulnerable species ?
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Question No.6
Taking in a view the Naxal attack in Sukma, Ministry of Home Affairs response to Naxal Problem was:
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Question No.7
Which of the following ports are used by China for its string of pearls policy ?
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Question No.8
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has named two mountains ranges on the dwarf planet Pluto after whom?
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Question No.9
Name the Indian boxer who has won the gold medal in 2017 Asian Women's Boxing Champions ?
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Question No.10
India has been re-elected as member of the Executive Board of which organization of UNO ?
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Question No.11
Which state became the first state of India to ratify GST bill ?
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Question No.12
GST was introduced as the ____________ Amendment Act .
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Question No.13
Which of the following denomination note was introduced immediately after announcing Demonetization ?
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Question No.14
Which state govt. has put in force 'No helmet no petrol' rule for two-wheeler riders ?
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Question No.15
Indica was written by :
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Question No.16
The Rajtarangini composed by Kalhana in the twelfth century is the main source of:
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Question No.17
Match the List-I with List-II and select the code given below : 
List - I (Scholars) 
(a) Dayanand Saraswati 
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 
(c) Max Muller 
(d) Ganganath Jha 

List-II (Original homeland of the Aryans) 
1. Central Asia 
2. Tibet 
3. Sapta Sindhu Region 
4. Arctic Region 
 Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d)
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Question No.18
King Ashoka became Buddhist after he was horrified with the tyranny of the Kalinga War. It was in :
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Question No.19
Which of the following Odisha type Nagara style temples are found at Bhubaneswar? 
1. Jagannath temple 
2. Lingaraja temple 
3. Sun temple 
4. Mukteswar temple 
5. Parasurameswara temple 
 Choose the answers from the codes below:
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Question No.20
The story that Alauddin Khilji invaded to secure Padmini, the queen of Rana Ratna Singh of Mewar, was vividly described by
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Question No.21
Who among these was never elected to the Presidentship of INC ?
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Question No.22
Which among the following places were set up as Vedanta Centres when Swami Vivekananda visited the U.S.A. in 1899 ? 
1. Chicago 
2. New York 
3. San Francisco 
4. Los Angeles
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Question No.23
Who moved (and withdrew) a resolution for the enfranchisement of women in the 1917 Session of Indian National Congress ?
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Question No.24
V. D Savarkar authored the book :
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Question No.25
Which of the following peasant movement is not properly matched with the state in which it was launched ?
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Question No.26
Who founded the Satyabadi School with Nationalist Spirit in Odisha ?
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Question No.27
Who among these was not a member of the Cabinet Mission ?
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Question No.28
The greatest crisis that Akbar faced in 1580 - 81 was when :
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Question No.29
Which of the following rock types, the Quartzite is related to ?
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Question No.30
Which of the following towns of India is located on Tropic of Cancer ?
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Question No.31
On the basis of area which of the following is the correct descending order of Indian Union Territories ?
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Question No.32
Which of the following mountains is the oldest ?
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Question No.33
Which of the following pairs of Indian Forests is not correctly matched ?
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Question No.34
On which of the following Indian Rivers the Maitoor Projects has been constructed ?
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Question No.35
The ideal temperature of ocean water for the growth of Corals is :
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Question No.36
Tropical cyclones are not found between 10° north and 10° south latitude due to :
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Question No.37
Which of the following is famous for the Cotton Textile Industry ?
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Question No.38
Which of the following metals, the Zawar mines of Udaipur are famous for ?
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Question No.39
Which of the following Indian States is the greatest producer of wind energy ?
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Question No.40
Which of the following Iron and Steel Plants does not function under the Steel Authority of India Limited ?
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Question No.41
The Pygmy tribe is associated with :
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Question No.42
Which of the following countries has the highest Anthracite Coal reserves ?
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Question No.43
Which of the following are matters on which Parliament has the power to modify provisions of the Constitution by the simple majority ? 
1. Alternation of names, boundaries and areas of States 
2. Appointment of Additional Judges 
3. Abolition of the Second chamber of State Legislature 
4. Administration of Scheduled Areas 
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Question No.44
Who among the following was the Chairman of the Committee of the Constituent Assembly ?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.45
The Indian Federation is based on the pattern of :
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Question No.46
Which of the following are included in the Directive Principles of State Policy in the Constitution of India? 
1. Uniform Civil Code for the citizens 
2. Separation of Judiciary from Executive 
3. Protection of monuments of national importance 
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Question No.47
The philosophical postulates of the Constitution of India are based on :
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Question No.48
Who, among the following was not a member of the State Reorganization Commission (SRC) appointed by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru ?
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Question No.49
Under Article 368, the Parliament has no power to repeal Fundamental Rights because these are :
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Question No.50
Which of the following is not an element of 'Secular State' in India ?
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Question No.51
Which of the following Act introduced bi-Cameral Legislature at the central level in India ?
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Question No.52
Who said, "All communalism is harmful. The logic of minority communalism is separatism, and majority communalism culminates into fascism" ?
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Question No.53
Article 371 of the Constitution of India provides for special provision with respect to which of the following state(s) ?
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Question No.54
Which of the following is not a correct statement regarding the unitary system ?
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Question No.55
73rd Amendment does not apply to the states of: 
1. Nagaland 
2. Mizoram 
3. Jammu and Kashmir 
4. Meghalaya 
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Question No.56
The Chairman and members of the UPSC hold office for the term of :
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Question No.57
Which one of the following is not a salient feature of the Constitution of India ?
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Question No.58
Which of the following is not a cause of Inequality in India ?
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Question No.59
Which of the following is not an objective of NITI Aayog?
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Question No.60
Which statement depict the best definition of Sustainable Development ?
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Question No.61
Which of the following is not a cause of growing consumer goods market in India?
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Question No.62
NAFED is a cooperative organisation of the ___
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Question No.63
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana' is run by:
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Question No.64
What does it mean by Human Capital Formation?
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Question No.65
The main argument to establish 'Special Economic Zones' in India is :
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Question No.66
Janani Surakhya Yojana is a :
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Question No.67
Inclusive Growth in India can be achieved :
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Question No.68
Payment Banks are different from other Commercial Banks in the following ways :
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Question No.69
Usual Principal Status employment is measured in :
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Question No.70
Tendulkar Committee was appointed on:
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Question No.71
Which of the following sectors has attracted the highest Foreign Direct Investment flows into India during recent years?
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Question No.72
Three US scientists have been awarded the Nobel Prize Physics for their work on gravitational waves. Which of the following is not one of them?
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Question No.73
Dark coloured soil with high water holding capacity is considered highly productive as it contains :
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Question No.74
The introduction of new life forms in a denuded habitat is initiated by the process of :
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Question No.75
Biological equilibrium is the balance between :
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Question No.76
In a pond ecosystem, the BOD increases due to:
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Question No.77
Ozone layer in the Stratosphere is affected by the increase in the atmospheric concentration of:
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Question No.78
Considering the global warming potential of CO2 as one, the global warming potential of CH4 has been estimated to be approximately:
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Question No.79
The pollutants like phenol and mercury can be removed from water by:
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Question No.80
The pollutants generated in high quantity by thermal power plants is:
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Question No.81
which of the following cities is associated with organization of "Earth Summit" ?
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Question No.82
LNG stands for:
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Question No.83
Kyoto Protocol was signed by member countries at Kyoto (Japan) in:
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Question No.84
The first nuclear reactor in India was built in the year 1956. Its name was:
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Question No.85
What is a biogas plant?
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Question No.86
What for OTEC stands?
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Question No.87
Bronze is an alloy of:
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Question No.88
which of the following is an or of Iron?
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Question No.89
Silviculture is the :
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Question No.90
Arid Forest Research Institute (AFRI) is situated at:
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Question No.91
"It is thought that dozens of ships and planes have disappeared under mysterious circumstances in the area. To people, it is an area of bad luck and extra-terrestrial activity. This area is known as:"
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Question No.92
Bleaching powder used in Fish pond is working as:
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Question No.93
What is a fishing gear?
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Question No.94
The approximate lifetime of a common electric bulb is 1,000 hrs whereas the approximate lifetime of a LED bulb is:
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Question No.95
The safe threshold limit of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere in ppm is :
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Question No.96
The detection of a gravitational wave on 14th September 2015 by the LIGO collaboration from the merger of two black holes, is the first direct detection of gravitational waves and the first observation of a binary black hole merger. This provides evidence for :
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Question No.97 (Question Invalid)
What is a syngas?
Correct Answer :  None of these INVALID QUESTION
Syngas, or synthesis gas, is a fuel gas mixture consisting primarily of H2, CO, and very often some CO2. The name comes from its use as intermediates in creating synthetic natural gas (SNG) and for producing ammonia or methanol.
Question Invalid

Question No.98
Which committee has been constituted by the Union Government to continuously monitor the solutions to air pollution?
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Question No.99
The two major functional components of any ecosystem are:
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Question No.100
Extinct, critically endangered and vulnerable are the categories assigned to the species by:
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