History Quiz set1



Total Questions: 50

  • Total Questions : 50
  • Total Marks : 100
  • Mark Deduction : 0.5
Question No.1
Which of the following Vedas was compiled first?
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Question No.2
The Harappan or Indus Valley Civilisation flourished during which age?
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Question No.3
Who among the following was the first to discover the traces of the Harappan Civilisation?
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Question No.4
The normal form of government during the Vedic period was
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Question No.5
The economy of the Indus Valley people was based on?
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Question No.6
Which of the following objects was not worshipped by the Indus valley people?
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Question No.7
The most common animal figure found at all the Harappan sites was___
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Question No.8
Who wrote the famous book "Buddha Charita"?
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Question No.9
Who was the youngest Governor-general of India?
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Question No.10
Who is known as the " Lady with the Lamp" ?
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Question No.11
In which state the folk painting Madhubani is popular?
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Question No.12
Ajivikas were patronised by?
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Question No.13
Where was the first village session of Congress held?
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Question No.14
The famous poet Kalidas lived in the court of_______
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Question No.15
Who among the following introduced the practice of "Sijda" and "Paibos" as a form of salutation?
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Question No.16
Which of the following was the last dynasty of Delhi Sultanate?
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Question No.17
Who among the following was the first ruler of the Sayyid Dynasty?
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Question No.18
Who among the following battled against Ibrahim Lodhi in the year 1526?
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Question No.19
In which year the Civil Disobedience Movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi ?
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Question No.20
Which reformer from Maharastra was known as Lokhitavadi?
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Question No.21
The Harappan Civilization was discovered in the year ____
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.22
Lothal is a site where dockyard of which of the following civilization was found?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.23
The Indus Valley Civilization was Non-Aryan because_______
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.24
What is the local name of Mohenjodaro ?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.25
The people of the Indus valley civilization usually built their house of_____
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.26
Indus valley people traded with which of the following ?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.27
Indus Valley Civilisation was well known for its _________
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.28
The famous figure of the dancing girl found in the excavation of Mohenjodaro was made up of_____
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.29
Which of the following animals was not known to the Indus Valley Civilisation?
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.30
The earliest city discovered in India was______
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.31
Out of the following remains excavated in Indus Valley, which one indicates the commercial and economic development?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.32
Which one of the following Indus civilization site gives evidence of a dockyard?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.33
The advanced water management system of Harappan times has been unearthed at ______
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.34
From which of the following places, remains of wells have been found in houses belonging of the developed stage of the Indus Valley Civilization?
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.35
The archaeological finds from Alamgirpur in Ghaziabad district reflected the___
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.36
Which one of the following was not known to the Harappans?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.37
Rock-cut architecture in Harappan culture context has been found at______
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.38
Which one of the following animals was not represented on the seals and terracotta art of the Harappan culture?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.39
Who discovered the Indus Valley Civilization?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.40
A copper chariot of Harappa times was discovered at____
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.41
Who started the 'Chipko Movement'?
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Question No.42
Gayatri Mantra is taken from ___________
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Question No.43
Who among the following religion introduced Statue worship in India?
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Question No.44
In which time period Nalanda University was established?
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Question No.45
In which king's time period Gautam Buddha was known as a 'Lord'?
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Question No.46
Who was the first student of Lord Mahaveer?
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Question No.47
The oldest coins were made of which metal in India?
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Question No.48
Which holy place is known with both Jainism and Buddhism?
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Question No.49
Who was the first Teerthanker of Jain religion ?
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Question No.50
Who was the founder of Nalanda University?
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