Physics Quiz Set 04

Question No.1
The ratio of the transverse deformation and the longitudinal deformation is called____
  1. Bulk modulus of elasticity
  2. Rigidity modulus of elasticity
  3. Poisson ratio
  4. Young's modulus of elasticity

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.2
The time period of a pendulum watch depends on the ______
  1. Mass
  2. Length
  3. Time
  4. Temperature

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.3
The raindrops are spherical due to_____
  1. Surface tension
  2. Atmospheric friction of air molecules
  3. Gravity of the spherical earth
  4. Viscosity of the raindrops

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.4
The unit of viscosity is ________
  1. Poise
  2. Pascal
  3. Poiseuille
  4. None of these

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.5
If a coin tossed upwards from the ground with a velocity of 9.8 m/sec then it rises to a height______
  1. 9.8 m
  2. 10 m
  3. 4.9 m
  4. 49 m

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.6
Which one of the following will you put into pure water in order to pass electric current through it?
  1. Kerosene
  2. Mustard Oil
  3. Lemon Juice
  4. Sugar

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Correct Answer: ( D )  

Question No.7
The normal temperature of the human body is _____
  1. 280 K
  2. 290 K
  3. 300 K
  4. 310 K

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Correct Answer: ( D )  

Question No.8
The echo is produced by the sound waves due to________
  1. The scattering of sound
  2. The refraction of sound
  3. The reflection of sound
  4. None of these

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.9
On raising the temperature of the medium velocity of light_________
  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Remains constant
  4. Suddenly decreases

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.10
If and object is placed at he centre of curvature of concave mirror , the position of the image is _____
  1. At the principal focus
  2. Between the principal focus and the centre of curvature
  3. At the centre of curvature
  4. Beyond the centre of curvature

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.11
Which of the following pairs of rays is electromagnetic in nature?
  1. Beta and gamma rays
  2. X-rays and gamma rays
  3. Cathode and X-rays
  4. Alpha and beta rays

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.12
The radius of curvature of a plane mirror ___
  1. is zero
  2. is infinity
  3. can be anywhere between zero and infinity
  4. None of these

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.13
Who among the following invented radar?
  1. Gutenberg
  2. Edison
  3. Graham Bell
  4. Galileo

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Correct Answer: ( D )  

Question No.14
Which one of the following is diamagnetic?
  1. Iron
  2. Nickel
  3. Bismuth
  4. Cobalt

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.15
Lenz's law is directly related to_____
  1. Conservation of energy
  2. Conservation of mass
  3. Conservation of momentum
  4. None of these

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.16
Who was the inventor of neutron?
  1. Rutherford
  2. Thomson
  3. Chadwick
  4. Newton

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.17
The magnetic and electric current was firstly observed by________
  1. Henry
  2. Oersted
  3. Faraday
  4. Volt

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.18
In the adiabatic process which of the following remains constant______
  1. Temperature
  2. Pressure
  3. Heat
  4. Volume

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.19
The pitch or frequency of the siren of a coming train appears to be increasing due to_____
  1. Doppler's effect
  2. Charles law
  3. Boyle's law
  4. None of these

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.20
If the length of a simple pendulum is increased by 4% then its time period will be ______
  1. Increased by 2%
  2. Increased by 3%
  3. Increased by 4%
  4. None of these

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

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