Biology Quiz Set 07

Question No.1
Who is known as father of vaccination_______
  1. Edward Jenner
  2. Robert Koch
  3. Louis Pasteur
  4. Alexander Flaming

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.2
Energy in foods can be measured in which units?
  1. Kelvin
  2. Joule
  3. Calorie
  4. Celsius

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.3
The vitamin(s), which is/are generally excrete in urine is are
  1. vitamin A
  2. vitamin B
  3. vitamin C
  4. vitamin D & K

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.4
Which one among the following is a major source of sugar?
  1. Watermelon
  2. Sugarcane
  3. Beetroot
  4. Date

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.5
Itching due to insect bite is caused by
  1. Acetic acid
  2. Lactic acid
  3. Formic acid
  4. Maleic acid

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.6
The study of Dendrology is associated with
  1. Flowers
  2. Trees
  3. Shrubs
  4. Plants

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.7
The study of annual rings is called
  1. Dendrology
  2. Dendrochronology
  3. Agronomy
  4. Horticulture

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.8
Which one among the following animal tissues transports hormones and heat and maintains water balance?
  1. Connective tissue
  2. Blood
  3. Nervous tissue
  4. Muscular tissue

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Correct Answer: ( D )  

Question No.9
Which one among the following plants cannot be multiplied by cuttings?
  1. Rose
  2. Bryophyllum
  3. Banana
  4. Marigold

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.10
Tips of leaves in grasses and common garden plants show water drops in early morning hours. This water accumulation is obtained from:
  1. atmosphere
  2. vascular bundles
  3. stomata
  4. hydathodes

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.11
Cattle are capable of digesting cellulose present in the grass and/or fodder that they eat. This ability is attributed to the :
  1. presence of cellulose degrading bacteria in the rumen
  2. production of cellulose by the cattle rumen
  3. acids present in the rumen
  4. prolonged retention of cellulose in the rumen

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.12
Why are pregnant women recommended substantial intake of gren leafy vegetables in their diet, especially in the 1st trimester?
  1. They are a rich source of chlorophyll
  2. They are a rich source of lecithin
  3. They are a rich source of folic acid which is required for DNA synthesis
  4. They are a rich source of essential fatty acids required for cell anabolism

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Correct Answer: ( D )  

Question No.13
The flowers plants have been kept under:
  1. Creptogams
  2. Phenerogams
  3. Bryophytes
  4. Pteridophytes

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.14
The non-flowering plants have been kept under:
  1. Creptogams
  2. phenerogams
  3. Bryophytes
  4. Pteridophytes

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.15
Who among the following invented bacteria?
  1. Robert Hooke
  2. Robert Koach
  3. Louis Pasteur
  4. Leeuwenhock

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Correct Answer: ( D )  

Question No.16
Human body's main organ of balance is located in
  1. Inner part of ear
  2. Top part of vertebral column
  3. Front part of brain
  4. Middle

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.17
The bacteria which is found to be in the human intestine is :
  1. Corynebacterium
  2. Escherichia coli
  3. Vibrio cholerae 
  4. Bacillus anthracis

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.18
Plants which grow on saline soils are:
  1. Xerophytes
  2. Hydrophytes
  3. Halophytes
  4. Succulents

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Correct Answer: ( )  

Question No.19
A deficiency of which one of the following minerals is most likely to lead to an immune deficiency?
  1. Calcium
  2. Zinc
  3. Lead
  4. Copper

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Correct Answer: ( D )  

Question No.20
Food poisoning is caused by:
  1. Clostridium tetani
  2. Clostridium botulinum
  3. Salmonella typhi
  4. Vibrio cholerae 

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

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