Biology Quiz Set 06

Question No.1
The disease "Athlete foot " is caused by_______
  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi
  3. Protozoa
  4. Virus

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.2
Which part of animal cell is called powerhouse?
  1. Cell wall
  2. Nucleus
  3. Mitochondria
  4. None of these

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.3
In human body vitamin A is stored in_____
  1. Liver
  2. Skin
  3. Lung
  4. Kidney

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.4
Who propounded the theory of evolution?
  1. Spencer
  2. Darwin
  3. Wallace
  4. Huxley

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.5
Flowerless plants are termed as_______
  1. Phanerogams
  2. Bryophytes
  3. Thallophytes
  4. Cryptogams

Select Answer

Correct Answer: ( D )  

Question No.6
The average weight of human brain about_______
  1. 1.64 kg
  2. 1.36 kg
  3. 1.46 kg
  4. 1.63 kg

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Correct Answer: ( C )  

Question No.7
Osteocytes are found in______
  1. Bone
  2. Blood
  3. Cartilage
  4. Lymph

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.8
Study of fungi is called ________
  1. Mycology
  2. Parasitology
  3. Bacteriology
  4. Phycology

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.9
Ferns belong to which division of plant?
  1. Gymnosperms
  2. Angiosperms
  3. Thallophyta
  4. Pteridophyta

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Correct Answer: ( D )  

Question No.10
Bryophytes are also called _______ of the plant.
  1. Mammals
  2. Amphibians
  3. Reptiles
  4. Insects

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.11
Cellulose is an example of which kind of nutrient?
  1. Fat
  2. Carbohydrate
  3. Protein
  4. Vitamin

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Correct Answer: ( B )  

Question No.12
The smallest flowering plant is_____
  1. Wolffia
  2. Lemma
  3. Azolla
  4. Ficus

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.13
Sun loving trees are also called as _____
  1. Xerophytes
  2. Heliophytes
  3. Saprophytes
  4. Halophytes

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Correct Answer: ( D )  

Question No.14
Plant cell wall is made up of _______
  1. Cellulose
  2. Glucose
  3. Fructose
  4. Sucrose

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.15
Which of the following is the largest cell of human body?
  1. Nerve cell
  2. Acetabularia
  3. Female egg
  4. Human male sperm

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.16
The tallest plant in the world is_______
  1. Euclyptus
  2. Pierocarpus
  3. Polyalthia
  4. Tectona

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.17
Bark of which of the following tree is used as a condiment?
  1. Cinnamon
  2. Clove
  3. Neem
  4. Palm

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.18
Smallest cell in the human male is____
  1. Nerve cell
  2. RBC
  3. WBC
  4. Sperm

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Correct Answer: ( D )  

Question No.19
Which gas is filled with LPG to detect any leakage?
  1. Ethyl mercaptan
  2. Methyl mercaptan
  3. Ethane mercaptan
  4. Methane mercaptan

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Correct Answer: ( A )  

Question No.20
From which part of opium plant morphine is obtained?
  1. Leaves
  2. Stem
  3. Bark
  4. Fruit Coat

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Correct Answer: ( D )  

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