SET 10


SET 10

  • Total Questions : 20
  • Total Marks : 40
  • Mark Deduction : 0.5
Question No.1
Which of the following is known as the spice garden of India?
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Question No.2
Tansa wildlife sanctuary is located in________
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Question No.3
Which of the following temple is known as Black Pagoda?
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Question No.4
What is the name of e-service for online verification and attestation of documents of Indian citizens?
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Question No.5
Which one of the following is not an alkali metal?
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Question No.6
Which of the following metal leads to Liver Cirrhosis?
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Question No.7
Which one of the following is not one of the animals carved on the Sarnath Pillar?
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Question No.8
Which river runs through Rome?
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Question No.9
In which state is the Mundra Power Plant located?
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Question No.10
Which of the following deserts is rich in gold reserves?
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Question No.11
Pellagra disease is caused by the deficiency of which of the following vitamin?
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Question No.12
In which form is glucose stored in our body?
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Question No.13
Lalbagh Fort is located in which country?
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Question No.14
Internal energy and Enthalpy of an Ideal gas depends on_____
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Question No.15
If the resistance of a circuit is doubled then to maintain the same voltage, flow of current in the circuit will____
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Question No.16
Which of the following village in Shimoga district of Karnataka is known for the usage of Sanskrit for day-to-day communication?
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Question No.17
The tax collected by Marathas was known as_________
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Question No.18
Molten rock below the surface of the earth is kown as__________
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Question No.19
Carnotite is a ore of ________
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Question No.20
Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed for how many years?
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