SET 09


SET 09

  • Total Questions : 20
  • Total Marks : 40
  • Mark Deduction : 0.5
Question No.1
When were the Fundamental Duties incorporated in the Constitution?
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Question No.2
How many items are there in the Union Lists?
Correct Answer : 

■ The legislative section is divided into 3 lists:
Union list, State list and Concurrent list.

■ Each of these lists contains 100, 61, 52 items respectively.

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Question No.3
The power to decide an Election Petition for the State is vested in the _____
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Question No.4
Mumbai High is associated with_________
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Question No.5
India switched over to the decimal curency system in________
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Question No.6
Which of the following goods has only exchange value?
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Question No.7
How much of India's total geographical area is forest land?
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Question No.8
Kolkata and Delhi are connected by______
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Question No.9
Which of the following is not a Rabi crop?
Correct Answer : 
  • Rabi crops are known as winter crops. This season is from October to March. e.g. Wheat, Barley, Oats, Pulses, Pea, Mustard, Linseed
  • Kharif crops are started with the onset of monsoon and ends when the rainy season is over. This season is from July to October. e.g. Rice, Maize, Sorghum, Millets, Ragi, Soybean, cotton.
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Question No.10
The name of the train "Shatabdi Express" refers to the centenary of________
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Question No.11
Hydrochloric acid is also known as_________
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Question No.12
Kanchenzunga National Park is located at_________
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Question No.13
Blood group was discovered by_____
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Question No.14
Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve is located in the state of__________
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Question No.15
In desert region, soil erosion can be checked by______
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Question No.16
The first oil refinery in India is__________
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Question No.17
Which of the following inert gas is used in beacon light?
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Question No.18
The chemical name of Baking Soda is _______
Correct Answer : 

Sodium chloride = Nacl

Potasium nitrate = KNO3

Sodium bicarbonate = NaHCO3

Sodium carbonate = Na2CO3

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Question No.19
In which year the fourteen major banks in India were nationalised?
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Question No.20
One rupee notes are issued by_________
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