SET 08


SET 08

  • Total Questions : 20
  • Total Marks : 40
  • Mark Deduction : 0.5
Question No.1
Who introduced the "Doctrine of Lapse"?
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Question No.2
The deficiency of Iodine leads to__________
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Question No.3
"Fire fighting clothes" are made from_________
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Question No.4
Heart attack occurs due to__________
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Question No.5
Which of the following process is used for the production of Bio-diesel?
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Question No.6
Which of the following article of Indian Constitution mentions about the establishment of the welfare state in India?
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Question No.7
Angora wool is extracted from_________
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Question No.8
The Grand Canyon is located on the __________
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Question No.9
Khir Ganga National Park is situated in _____________
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Question No.10
Bor Tiger Reserve is situated in ________
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Question No.11
The Greeks were driven out of India by_______
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Question No.12
Who among the following built the "Jaladurga"?
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Question No.13
The supersonic jet planes fly in which of the following layers of earth's atmosphere?
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Question No.14
The most important Uranium mine of India is in____________
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Question No.15
Which river is called "Sorrow of Bengal"?
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Question No.16
Singhbhum is famous for_____
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Question No.17
Which is the home of "Alphonso Mango"?
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Question No.18
Imputed gross rent of owner occupied buildings is a part of__________
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Question No.19
From a national point of view which of the following indicates Micro Approach?
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Question No.20
When the demand for a good increase with an increase in income, such good is called_______
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