SET 01

SET 01


  • Total Questions : 50
  • Total Marks : 100
  • Mark Deduction : 0.5
Question No.1
Natural Rubber is a polymer of_________
Correct Answer :  C

  Natural Rubber also is known as India rubber or latex, when initially produced consists of Isoprene, other minor impurities of organic compound and water.


   Chemical name:  2-methyl-1,3-butadiene

   Chemical Formula: CH2=C(CH3)−CH=CH2

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Question No.2
Sodium nitrate is useful for the production of _______
Correct Answer :  D

 Sodium nitrate (NaNO3). This alkali metal nitrate salt is also known as Chile saltpetre.

 Sodium nitrate is also synthesized industrially by neutralizing nitric acid with sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate:

        2 HNO3 + Na2CO3 → 2 NaNO3 + H2O + CO2 

          HNO3 + NaHCO3 → NaNO3 + H2O + CO2

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Question No.3
Emulsion is a colloidal solution of ________.
Correct Answer :  A

 Generally, colloids are classified based on the phase of the dispersed substance(Dispersed phase) and what phase it is dispersed in (Dispersion Medium).

 Types of colloids : Sol, Emulsion, Foam, and Aerosol.

 Sol is a colloidal suspension with solid particles in a liquid.

 Emulsion is liquid in liquid.

 Foam is formed when many gas particles are trapped in a liquid or solid.

 Aerosol contains small particles of liquid or solid dispersed in a gas.

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Question No.4
Which of the following does not react with Nitric Acid?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.5
Which of the following fuels causes minimum environmental pollution?
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.6
Milk is a/an _________.
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.7
Water gas is a mixture of __________
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.8
Which of the following is not a Strong Acid?
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.9
Which of the following acid is used for making "Aqua regia" ?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.10
Which of the following acid is found in Curd?
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.11
The Law of Modern periodic tabel was given by___________
Correct Answer :  B

According to Moseley "The properties of elements and their compounds are periodic functions of their increasing atomic numbers". He arranged elements in periodic table in increasing order of their atomic numbers. It was found successful due to number of reasons and the most important was the position of isotopes as they are nuclei with same atomic numbers so they were placed under the same elements to which they belong. This law also led to the discovery of many new elements.

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Question No.12
What is the total number of Periods in the Periodic Table?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.13
How many Groups are there in the Periodic Table?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.14
Which of the following element does not belongs to Group 14 ?
Correct Answer :  C

Group 14 Elements: Carbon (6C),  Silicon (14Si),  Germanium (32Ge),  Tin (50Sn),  Lead (82Pb), and  Flerovium (114Fl).

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Question No.15
The elements in the Group 16 are called_______
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.16
Which of the following is the most electronegative element?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.17
Halogens group belongs to which block?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.18
Element in a period have same Number of__________
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.19
Which of the following is the most reactive alkali metal ?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.20
Who among the following is known as the father of the periodic table?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.21
Bauxite is used as raw material by which Industry?
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Question No.22
Glass is a ________
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Question No.23
Silver gets corroded due to _________ in air.
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Question No.24
Ozone saves the biosphere by absorbing high energy radiations called _________
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Question No.25
Which of the following is not a noble gas?
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Question No.26
Dry ice is nothing but________
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Question No.27
Curie is a unit of_________
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Question No.28
Which of the following is used to extinguish the fire?
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Question No.29
The electrons present in the outermost shell are called
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Question No.30
The radioactive element used in heart pacemaker is ______
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Question No.31
The substance which does not expand on going from liquid state to solid state is ____
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Question No.32
Which of the following gases is present under pressure in soft Drinks?
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Question No.33
Which of the following gases causes acid rain along with sulfur dioxide and carbon Monoxide?
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Question No.34
Which of the following salt can be used as a food preservative?
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Question No.35
Water acts as a reactant in _________
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Question No.36
Which of the following reactions is the main cause of the energy radiation from the Sun?
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Question No.37
Which of the following substance is made from natural raw materials?
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Question No.38
The conversion of oxygen to ozone takes place because of ____
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Question No.39
Vermicompost is a/an_______
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Question No.40
What would be the atomic number of the element in whose atom the K and L shells are full?
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Question No.41
Aspirin( C9H8O4) is___________
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.42
Homonuclear molecules contain?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.43
Which of the following gas is used in cigarette lighters?
Correct Answer :  A

Butane : C4H10

Butane, a highly flammable, colorless, easily liquefied gas is used in gas-type lighters and butane torches.

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Question No.44
Which gas is filled in refrigerators?
Correct Answer :  A

Chlorofluorocarbon : (CCl2F2)

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Question No.45
Which of the following is called Oil of vitriol ?
Correct Answer :  B
Sulphuric Acid : H2SO4
Phosphoric acid (Orthophosphoric acid) : H3PO4
Nitric Acid : HNO3
Hydrochloric Acid : HCl
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Question No.46
Which of the following gas is the most toxic?
Correct Answer :  C

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous, colorless, odorless and tasteless gas.

Why is CO so harmful?
Carbon monoxide is harmful when breathed because it binds very strongly to the iron in hemoglobin. Once carbon monoxide attaches, it is very difficult to release. So if you breath in carbon monoxide, it sticks to your hemoglobin and takes up all of the oxygen binding sites. Eventually, blood loses all of its ability to transport oxygen, and you suffocate.

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Question No.47
Which of the following is the primary component of natural gas?
Correct Answer :  C

Natural gas (also called fossil gas), is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium.

It is formed when layers of decomposing plant and animal matter are exposed to intense heat and pressure under the surface of the Earth over millions of years.

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Question No.48
Which of the following contains the maximum amount of nitrogen?
Correct Answer :  B

Urea : (NH2CONH2)

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Question No.49
The chemical used as fixer in photography is______________
Correct Answer :  A

Sodium thiosulphate : (Na2S2O3)

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Question No.50
The main chemical constituent of clay is __________
Correct Answer :  A

Aluminium silicate : (Al2SiO5)

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